1996-1997 Season


V = Vicki Rubin; B = Jeff Briks; W = Eric Wachter; D = Scott Dorfman; P = Patrick Crisafulli; We = Steven Wellner; G = Gnsh Strmn; E = Elizabeth Blakey; U = Brian Udoff; M = Mrs. Martin; L = Lane Seabolt; N = Nick Black; R = Rheanna Bates; H = Ryan Hunter; J = Roy Johnson; Mc = Robin McGill; Sm = Josh Small; Gu = Mike Gura; Da = Elizabeth Davenport; K = Katy Bondy; S = Sarah Scopel; A = Adam Levy; Rb = Rob Stilson; Am = Aman Jetha; F = Greg Fanoe; Ku = Karen Ku

James Island Invitational

Jimmy is none too impressed at 6 in the morning (AWZ)
There, that's better (ZVWA)
When the music's over (RbAmUVFWAZWe)
Once again, hanging out at California Dreaming (WeFRbZWAUAmV)
Vicki does a Rodney King on Jimmy (RbAmUVFWAWeZ)

Brookwood Invitational

Pat with a fake mustache and the C Team (PGuMDaKS)

Savannah Country Day

Lane gets jumpy after 15 cups of coffee, embarrassing the others (LWVU)
Sharing a moment in downtown Savannah (ZRVDSLAUW)
Mrs Martin! Of course you're my favorite teacher! I swear on my life! (RM)

Berry College Bowl

Udoff gets the Bowl poured on him (VRBUDW)

Brookwood JV Invitational

Though no one else can see it, Steven can't help but giggle at the Dennis Miller poster (PWeGE)
The C Team (HJMcSm)

Lee College Tournament

C'mon! Scott's ready to play (DSKuUWMB)

Mercer College Tournament

Taking First in the Chapel (BUVS)

High-Q Finals

Publicity Photo (VBWD)
Getting a piece of the check (VMUDBW)

Chicago Nationals

At "Cabaret" Dinner Theater (VWBDUM)

Washington D.C. Questions Unlimited

The Washington Nationals Team (DNVBW)